Spice Up Your Routine: Hobbies vs Extra Curricular Activities-Are They the Same?

You´ve probably heard about the importance of hobbies, add the topic of extracurricular activities, and perhaps there´s some confusion between the two. So are hobbies and extracurricular activities the same? Find out the answer here, plus much more. Summary Definition of Hobbies and Extra Curricular Activities Shaking up your routine The Importance of Engaging in … Read more

Why having hobbies is crucial for personal growth and development

Many people view hobbies as a leisurely pursuit, something to do in their free time to entertain themselves. However, in our fast-paced modern world, most think they do not have the time for hobbies. Today, stress is a worldwide pandemic; you cannot afford not to make the time for your passionate hobbies. Research has shown … Read more