How do you fix burnout?

Burnout is on the rise globally. WHO (World Health Organization) considers burnout to be an organizational phenomenon. The term burnout first came on the scene in the early 1970s by a psychoanalyst named Herbert Freudenberger. But what is burnout, how can you identify it, why is it spreading like wildfire, and how do you deal … Read more

The ugly side effects of stress and what you can do about it

We all know that negative stress is a foe, not a friend because your body is in a constant state of fight-or-flight, even when there are no dangers/stressors present. Are you experiencing sleepless nights of tossing and turning, worrying about your finances, and other problems? Or is your workload steadily increasing, becoming more unrealistic? How … Read more

The Truth About Stress Management Techniques

Our modern world is drenched in stress from work requirements and workloads to family responsibilities. Sometimes it seems that 24 hours is not enough time for a day. Stress is a normal part of life. However, chronic stress is not. Chronic stress is on the rise and rapidly becoming a global challenge. Stress is one … Read more

Manage your stress like a boss

Let´s face it. The world we live in today can be very stressful. Fast-paced lifestyles are the norm as you juggle job and family obligations, along with many other responsibilities and daily tasks. Stress is a normal part of life, and not all stress is bad for you, like eustress but chronic stress is not. … Read more

What are the health benefits of red beets?

Red beet is known for its vibrant deep red color. The red beetroot is very versatile and easy to incorporate into your meals. There are many ways to prepare red beetroot. By now, you probably had your share of beetroot dishes or drinks. But do you know the health benefits of beetroots? Stick around to … Read more

What is the nutritional value of chia seeds?

Chia seeds may come in small sizes, but they are big in nutritional value. Chia seeds hail from the Aztec and Mayan cuisine for many centuries. These tiny black or white seeds from the Salvia Hispanica L plant may not be a sight for sore eyes but offer a long list of health benefits worth … Read more

Are cherries actually good for you?

Cherries are small, round soft stone fruits that are usually bright or dark red and full of tasty goodness that many have come to adore. There are two main categories tart and sweet. From their vibrant colors to their delicious taste, some may wonder if cherries are actually good for you. Let us uncover the … Read more