dates fruit

Dates look like oversize wrinkled raisins and usually comes fresh or dry. Dates are tasty and delicious and are easy to eat as a snack even on the go.

The popularity of dates is rapidly increasing, but what are the health benefits of dates? Let us take a look at the new-old fruit kid on the block.

What are date fruits?

Dates are fruits that date back to their native Middle East for centuries. Smooth-skinned dates are fresh, whereas dates with wrinkled skin are dry. Dates are a form of naturally occurring sugar that does not raise blood sugar levels due to their low glycemic index, especially when consumed in moderation.

Dates consist of nutrients such as:

  • calcium
  • zinc
  • iron
  • copper
  • magnesium
  • vitamin C
  • rich in polyphenols (lowers the risk of diseases)
  • antioxidants

Interesting Facts

Dates are old fruit that has been produced and enjoyed for centuries.

There are numerous types of dates.

The leaves of date trees are 4-6 m or 13-20 feet long.

Date leaves are used for making baskets.

Date trees can typically grow to around 21-23m or 69-75 feet in height.

Date fruit stones are used for making soap and eyeliners.

Some easy ways to add dates to your diet

Smoothies: as a banana-date-blueberry-almond milk smoothie.

Salads: kale and Quinoa salad with dates and almonds with vinaigrette.

Dressing: with ½ lime juice, one clementine squeezed, and seven teaspoons of olive oil.

Snack: trail-mix-type snack dates, coconut flakes, almonds, walnuts, pecans, and pistachios.

Fruit Salad: apple, pear, dates, and grapes.

Are dates good for your skin?

The antioxidants in dates support skin health and contain anti-aging benefits to leave your skin youthful, bright, and healthy.

Skin Exfoliator

Dates can be an excellent natural source as a skin exfoliator and can eliminate toxins and impurities from your skin.

  • Mash dates into a pulp.
  • Add some milk.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then wash off.

Itchy skin/bug bites

Dates may also improve conditions such as itching and bug bites.

Apply the mixture of dates, lime, and orange juice to the infected area/s (aids in eliminating skin problems).

Sunburn relief

Mashed dates with ½ teaspoon of honey may help relieve the pain and discomfort of sunburns.

Reduce scar visibility

Dates may reduce the visibility of scars naturally and promotes a healthy glow.

It moisturizes skin, improves elasticity, and fights against anti-aging by decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.


hair growth system

The health benefits of dates for hair

The vitamin C compounds in dates are excellent for hair care and nurture. Dates may play an important role in promoting a healthy scalp as they remove product build-up from your scalp. Dates may also add volume to thin and lackluster hair.

Healthy scalp promotion

  • Soak dates in warm water overnight.
  • Apply this date-water mixture making sure to saturate your hair but paying special attention to your scalp.
  • Leave in your hair for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.

Hair volumizer

  • Grind dates to form a paste.
  • Add one egg white.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply to hair and leave in for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.


Dates are very nutritious and offer a wealth of benefits to your health. But these benefits do not end there; dates are also good for your skin and hair.

Some people may be allergic to dates. A moderate amount of dates is more than sufficient; however, eating too many dates may cause weight gain and contribute to kidney disease.

A healthy diet is never based on individual foods. A healthy lifestyle involves a combination of all healthy foods and does not depend on one food source alone, no matter how incredible the health benefits are.

Healthy foods are stronger and work better together and not apart. Adding a healthy variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet is one of the best gifts you can give your immune system.

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2 thoughts on “Are Dates Good for You?”
  1. This article is filled with very informative stuff. I am going to look into applying this to my diet.

    I am intrigued by the variety of ways I can consume them and how they could benefit my health. To be honest I´ve never heard that dates could help with skin infections and scars. They are an old food source. I imagine some cultures have used them in many other ways like you´ve said.

    Dates seem easy to incorporate in meals and especially in snacks with nuts. Knowing of all the health benefits, I am going to give them a try.

    Lately, I´ve been thinking of changing my meals into healthier alternatives. Thank you for this article.

    1. Thank you for reading and responding to the article.

      Yes, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains ( Nature´s Best) can offer us many health benefits, and sometimes even beauty secrets/benefits too.

      A healthier lifestyle can offer a more satisfying and fulfilling life by increasing health and longevity and preventing many chronic diseases.

      Congratulations on your decision to embark on your healthy lifestyle journey. Perhaps this article may help you further. Can diseases be prevented by a healthy lifestyle? | Elevate Healthy Lifestyle Choices



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