Ginger tea with ginger slices

Ginger is a beloved spice that adds zest and flavor to not only meals but beverages as well. Ginger is a staple in cuisines around the globe. It is from a flowering root plant and looks like turmeric on the outside. Ginger has a distinct taste and odor, but what are the health benefits of ginger? Discover the wonder and perils of ginger.

A background view

Ginger and Asian Eastern medicine have a long association dating back centuries. Ginger contains:

  • vitamins
  • antioxidants
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • vitamin C
  • magnesium
  • potassium

Interesting ginger facts

India leads the world in the production of ginger.

Ginger beer is a famous carbonated drink in some countries such as Jamaica and Greece.

The ginger plant can grow up to 4ft tall.

Ginger slices turn pink when put into sweet vinegar.

Benefits of ginger

Ginger, like its many other counterparts in Auyvedar medicine, is full of benefits. Some notable benefits of ginger are:

  • pain reliever
  • reduces inflammation
  • improves menstrual cramps
  • offers long-term relief, not necessarily instantaneous
  • reduces nausea
  • may help lower cholesterol
  • may inhibit bacterial growth
  • strengthens the immune system
  • may promote energy circulation
  • may improve brain function
  • increase the body´s metabolic rate
  • improves blood circulation
  • relief from arthritis
  • relief against migraine
  • eases stomachache
  • improves digestion
  • lowers cholesterol
  • alleviates bloating
  • may prevent prostate and ovarian cancers
  • good for post-workout sessions to prevent swelling

ginger pieces and lemonGinger for hair

Adding ginger to your hair care routine can give you the lustrous hair you desire. Ginger can combat dandruff and correct hair problems such as hair loss. Other benefits of ginger for your hair are:

  • may stimulate hair growth
  • may boost blood flow to hair follicles
  • may act as a natural conditioner
  • acts as a treatment for dandruff
  • may fight hair loss

Ginger recipes for hair
(Anti-dandruff treatments)

Powdered ginger

For this powdered method, you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of ginger
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil


1) Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it for a half-hour.

2) Shampoo and condition hair.

Ginger root

For this natural version, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

(You can adjust measurements on your hair length. If you have longer hair, you can increase the amount; for shorter hair, decrease the amount).


1) Gently massage this infused oil into your scalp.

2) Leave in for a half hour.

3) Follow with shampoo and conditioner.

Ginger and onion juice hair mask

This mixture stimulates hair growth.

  • Juice one onion with half the amount of ginger.
  • Strain the juice from the mixture.
  • Add one tablespoon of coconut and olive oils.


1) Apply the mixture directly to your scalp using a cotton ball.

2) Leave on for 15 minutes.

3) Shampoo and condition your hair.

Ginger juice

  • Make ginger juice directly from ginger root.
  • Or you can cut off an edge of a fresh ginger root and apply it directly to your scalp.
  • Or you can puree the ginger root in a blender. Apply it to your hair for 15 minutes.
  • Shampoo and condition.

A word of caution

Though ginger offers many health benefits, some people may experience some side effects from excessive ginger use, such as heartburn, bleeding, and diarrhea. People on blood thinners should limit ginger consumption.


Ginger is an ancient spice that is a staple in many dishes and beverages around the world. There is much-documented proof of some of the benefits of ginger. Ginger has many health benefits, but it can also help improve the life and vitality of your hair.

Excessive use of ginger can have some negative side effects such as heartburn and may increase the chances of bleeding and diarrhea. A healthy lifestyle involves a combination of all healthy foods and does not depend on one food source alone, no matter how amazing the health benefits are.

Healthy foods are stronger and work better together and not apart. Adding a healthy variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet is one of the best gifts you can give your immune system.

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We at are passionate about encouraging people to change their lifestyles to healthier ones. The medical information provided on this site should be considered an informational resource only and is not to be used or relied upon for any diagnostic or treatment purposes.
6 thoughts on “What are the Health Benefits of Ginger?”
  1. Wow, I knew ginger was good for you, but I never tried using it as a hair mask! I’m curious to try that now.

    I usually mix it with orange juice and Curcuma and drink a glass in the mornings.

    I kind of like the rush of heat you get from all these spices; you feel clean from the inside after that.

    I love the way you made your post so simple; it is really easy to read!

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thank you for reading the article and for your generous input. Ginger has many healing properties and is a natural solution for scalp conditions such as dandruff.

      Thanks for sharing your drink idea of orange juice with a hint of Curcuma with our readers. Ginger is a beloved spice that adds zest and flavor to not only meals but beverages as well.

      I am happy that you got some value from this post and that it was easy to read and understand.

      Don´t forget that we post new articles each week so stay tuned. If you like our content, please consider sharing it with your family and friends.

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  2. Adding simple and readily available herbs adds health benefits in many ways.

    I admire you putting a long list of benefits of the ginger herb.

    Other uses are to help manage diabetes and help chemotherapy-taking patients to stimulate eating because of loss of taste, or just experiencing food as all salty and suffering from nausea when seeing food.

    Thanks to gingerol in ginger, which helps our body, and other components in this proven ancient herb.

    Morning tea in India is never complete without ginger.

    “Kadha drink” is used to fight Covid symptoms.

    I have never heard of the hair benefit before.

    1. Thank you, Anusuya, for your insightful feedback. Yes, gingerol in ginger has many proven health benefits for an ancient herb.

      Kadha drink does have a reputation for treating cold-like symptoms with its dry spices and herbs and other ingredients such as cloves, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, basil leaves, etc.

      Ginger offers many healing properties and can be a natural solution for scalp problems like dandruff.

      Stay tuned we post weekly articles.

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  3. It´s so nice to read about the health benefits of ginger! I am a huge ginger lover.

    I consume it in my smoothies, juices, and main dishes. I even drink lemon water with a zest of ginger powder to stimulate my immunity.

    Ginger is truly a food that everyone should have in their kitchen. Thanks for this informative piece of work.

    1. Thank you, Angel, for your feedback. I also enjoy fresh ginger in my smoothies as it gives them a little more flavor and adds amazing health benefits.

      I would recommend adding ginger and mint leaves to your water. And you are right; ginger should be in every kitchen.

      Ginger is an ancient spice that is a staple in many dishes and beverages around the world. There is much-documented proof of some of the benefits of ginger.

      If you like our content, please share it with family and friends. We post new articles each week so stay tuned.

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